Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Monday, 3 May 2010

John Baron accuses BNP of preaching intolerance and hate

Conservative candidate calls immigration hustings to expose BNP

Tonight at an immigration hustings organised by John Baron, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, John accused the BNP of preaching a message of intolerance and hate. He also listed a series of reasons why people should not vote BNP. The meeting went ahead despite the BNP bottling out of John’s challenge to discuss policies. Because the BNP refused to attend, the Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates were present. The meeting was held at the Craylands Community Hall, Norwich Walk, Basildon.

John said:

“The BNP preaches a message of intolerance and hate that conflicts with this country’s values. It is a divisive force. There is nothing British about the BNP, and I urge people not to vote for them.

“By refusing to turn up and discuss policies, the BNP has shown its true colours. It plays on people’s fears, but won’t openly discuss its policies in our communities.

“Its party constitution has talked of ‘reversing the tide of non-white immigration’ and of opposing ‘any form of racial integration’. They even denounced the Victoria Cross awarded to Private Johnson Beharry on the grounds that he was an immigrant.”

Other issues were discussed at the meeting, including the rise in violent crime, the shortage of university places, current problems for small businesses, the illegal traveller site at Dale Farm and the importance of Sure Start centres.

John Baron opens new community room at Sunnymede Junior School

Conservative candidate praises school and community for hard work

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, today officially opened the new community room at Sunnymede Junior School, in the presence of staff, parents and other local residents.

The room has been converted from an unused classroom into a space that the whole community can use, with the assistance of a Local Development Grant and an Awards 4 All grant. Much of the funding was obtained by Heather Stuart of the Billericay Community Trust, enabling the installing of disabled access and a disabled toilet. The remainder of the costs were met by the school.

John said:

“Congratulations to all involved – this is a great project showing what can be achieved by teamwork. Especial thanks to Heather Stuart for raising the bulk of the money, and to the school for raising the balance.

“I am impressed by the facilities on offer in this new community room, which has already been put to good use by various local groups. This room will help remind everyone that schools should be at the heart of our communities.”

Sunday, 25 April 2010

John Baron visits Craylands estate

Conservative candidate praises Swan Housing, Basildon Council and local residents on regeneration plan

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, this week visited the Craylands estate in Fryerns. Basildon Council are working with Swan Housing and the local community to ensure that the redevelopment of the estate changes the area for the better.

John said:

“Congratulations to Swan Housing and the Council for working together with the local community in regenerating this estate. Taking a bottom-up approach and listening to local residents has helped to ensure that the design of the properties has changed considerably for the better.

“This is a great example of what can come from involving local residents more in planning decisions, which is Conservative policy. We need to stop diktat from the centre, and make sure communities are consulted properly as with the Craylands estate.”

John Baron voices anger at ‘outside’ overruling of local planning decisions in Noak Bridge and Billericay

Conservative proposals would keep planning decisions local

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, has visited a site on Eastfield Road, Noak Bridge, where a planning decision made by Basildon District Council not to develop was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol due to the Government’s house-building targets.

This is similar to the situation with a site behind Barclays Bank in Billericay High Street which John and other Councillors have also visited – the Council said that the site had access too narrow for emergency vehicles and therefore decided it could not be developed, but were overruled by the Planning Inspectorate.

John said:

“These are further examples of local planning decisions being overturned by outsiders. Local people should have the final say on planning issues, as it is they who have to live with the consequences.

“A Conservative government would scrap Labour’s house-building targets and their unelected Regional Assemblies in order to ensure all planning decisions, including in-fill and greenbelt development, are taken by local Councils. Local people should decide, not bureaucrats elsewhere.”

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

John Baron meets with Basildon Networking Group at David Lloyd club

Conservative candidate discusses business policy over coffee

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, today visited the David Lloyd Leisure club in Basildon, which hosts the Basildon Networking Group. These monthly meetings attract around 50 local business owners as part of the Federation of Small Business. John was shown around the leisure club and then spent time chatting with the business owners about their concerns and Conservative policies. John has also been visiting businesses across the constituency.

John said:

“Time and time again, businesses are saying there is too much tax and regulation. Small businesses are vitally important to our local community and economy, so we must do what we can to help them.

“This is why a Conservative government would cut small companies’ corporation tax to 20%, paid for by scrapping complex allowances. We will also make small businesses rate relief automatic and reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.

“We would also cut the burden of regulation because red tape stifles enterprise. Conservatives will introduce a new ‘Star Chamber’ committee which will reduce red tape by 5% each year.”

John Baron supports FSB’s call for greater recognition of importance of SMEs

Today John Baron [Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon and Billericay] attended a breakfast briefing hosted by Essex Federation of Small Business [FSB] at which the FSB’s manifesto for the forthcoming General Election was discussed. Amongst its objectives, the FSB has called for cuts in taxes and red tape.

John said:

“Small businesses are vital to our prosperity, so the FSB is right to campaign for cuts in taxes and red tape which would help entrepreneurs.”

“A Conservative Government would cut small companies’ corporation tax from 22p to 20p, paid for by removing complex allowances. We will also make small business rate relief automatic, and largely reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.”

“Meanwhile, we must cut the burden of regulation because red-tape stifles enterprise. The FSB is right to say small businesses waste 7 hours a week form-filling. Conservatives will ensure a powerful new ‘Star Chamber’ will produce a net 5% annual reduction in red tape.”

John Baron's Declaration of Interests


Name of Candidate: John Baron

Constituency: Basildon & Billericay

Other Paid Jobs:

1. Fees for stewardship of investment portfolios for Newton Investment Management Ltd., 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4LA.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

2. Fees for articles in the Financial Times’ ‘Investors Chronicle’ magazine, Number One, Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL – all fees donated to charity.

If elected, I intend to continue with this employment.

The holding of positions of responsibility in some types of organisations:

1. Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (MCSI), 8 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1AE.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

2. Patron of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, 13 Wetlands Lane, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6RA.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

3. Patron of Age Concern (Basildon), George Hurd Centre, Audley Way, Basildon, Essex SS14 2FL.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

Relevant Financial Interests, Reported Against the Following Categories:

Directorships (Current Directorships listed at Companies House): Not Applicable.

Clients: Not Applicable.

Land and Property:

1. Two residential properties in London, from which rental income is received.

If elected, I continue to hold these properties.

2. One residential property in Noak Bridge, Essex.

If elected, I intend to sell this property.

Shareholdings (greater than 15% of the share capital of the company or body or 15% or less of the issued share capital, but greater in value than £65,000): Not Applicable.

Tax Matters:

I support the next Conservative Government’s requirement that anyone who sits in either House will be required by law to be a full UK tax payer.

I confirm that, for the year 2008/9, I have not claimed to be, or been treated as not resident, not ordinarily resident, or non-domiciled in the UK for tax purposes.

Any Other Interests: Not Applicable.

Signed by John Baron

Dated: April 9, 2010.

The Committee on Standards in Public Life in its report on MP’s expenses and allowances published in November 2009, recommended that “all Candidates at parliamentary elections should publish, at nomination, a register of interests including the existence of other paid jobs and whether they intend to continue to hold them, if elected”.

The above Declaration has been made in accordance with ‘Ministry of Justice Guidance on Declarations of Interests’ issued on March 22, 2010.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

John Baron MP encourages Basildon District to get involved in 2012 Games

MP highlights the many opportunities of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Having liaised with Sebastion Coe KBE [Chair, London 2012 Organising Committee], today John Baron MP called for local businesses, schools and community groups to get involved in the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic 2012 Games. The East of England has over 60 sporting facilities approved for use as part of the network of official training camps for athletes, and hundreds of schools are taking part in the official education programme, Get Set.

John said:

“The Games are a great thing for the country as a whole, and our region especially. It will be a chance to show how the UK can put on a fantastic event, and will hopefully inspire more young people to take up sport.

“There are lots of ways for people in Basildon and Billericay to get involved. I encourage local businesses to join the London 2012 Business Network, and local schools to join the Get Set education programme. Community groups can hold events and can apply for the Inspire mark for community projects inspired by the Games.

“This is a chance for everyone in the area to come together in support of a great event, and for many to benefit.”

John Baron MP presses Minister to encourage all energy suppliers to follow Scottish & Southern Energy’s policy on cheapest tariff information

MP urges Government to congratulate company

During today’s Energy and Climate Change questions in the House of Commons, John Baron MP called for the Government to do more to get energy suppliers to publish cheapest tariff information on all energy bills, to help in the fight against fuel poverty.

The Government has recently compromised and proposed that companies will be obliged to publish this information on annual statements, but this can discriminate against active switchers who may never receive such a statement. However, Scottish and Southern Energy [SSE] is going further than this by proposing to put its standard direct debit tariff on every bill once a customer has been with them for 12 months – this tariff being their cheapest tariff in the vast majority of cases. This would allow customers to compare this tariff with their present one to ensure they were not paying more than they should. John has tabled EDM 1166 [see notes to editors] highlighting the issue.

John said:

“Given the customer confusion caused by over 4,000 different tariffs, will the Minister congratulate SSE on plans to publish its cheapest tariff information on all energy bills, not just on annual statements as proposed by the Government, and will he now encourage other suppliers to follow suit?”

The Minister replied that he had seen encouraging examples of energy companies making their bills clearer, and agreed that suppliers should be encouraged to follow SSE’s example.

Speaking afterwards, John said:

“Latest Government figures show there are around 4 million households in fuel poverty. Congratulations therefore to SSE for breaking ranks with other energy companies by printing its cheapest tariff on all bills so customers can check they are getting the best deal.”

“The Government’s requirement that such information be printed only on an annual statement discriminates against active switchers. The Government should take SSE’s lead and actively oblige all energy companies to follow suit.”

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

John Baron MP: stop Labour’s tax on jobs and working people from killing the recovery

48,600 people will save money across Basildon District under Conservative initiative

John Baron MP today gave his backing to new Conservative plans to stop a new jobs tax on working families and local firms across Basildon District. Labour Ministers confirmed in the recent Budget that Gordon Brown’s Government will be increasing National Insurance on both workers and local businesses. Under Labour’s tax-raising plans, anyone earning over £20,000 a year will see their pay packet shrink. Labour will also increase the tax that local firms pay for hiring workers who earn £5,700 a year or more.

By contrast, a Conservative Government will stop the most damaging part of Labour’s tax on jobs by cutting government waste while protecting frontline services. The cost of Labour’s tax rise on employers will be reduced by more than half. And anyone earning between £7,100 and £45,400 – seven out of ten working people across the country – will be up to £150 a year better off than under Labour’s plans.

At least 48,600 working people across Basildon District will be better off as a result. A typical nurse, teacher, firefighter or police officer would save £150 a year. People on lower incomes will benefit the most as a proportion of their incomes. And an estimated 5,271 jobs across the East of England could be saved by making it less expensive for local firms to hire workers.

The Conservative plans have been backed by leading business figures who run firms such as Sainsbury’s, Mothercare and Marks & Spencer, and who employ over half a million people between them in the UK.

John said:

“For the last 13 years, working people across Basildon District have seen their taxes go up and up and their money wasted. Now Gordon Brown is planning a tax on jobs that will hit anyone earning over £20,000 a year and destroy over 5,000 jobs across the East of England by taxing local firms more.

“Labour will kill the recovery with their tax on jobs. Conservatives will cut Labour waste to stop it. More than 48,000 working people across Basildon District will be better off with the Conservatives. And we’ll cut Labour’s debt to stop higher interest rates and your mortgage going up. We’re all in this together, and we need new energy and fresh ideas to get our local area working for everyone.”

John Baron MP: time for a change of Government

John Baron MP: time for a change of Government

Today John Baron MP welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement of a General Election on 6th May.

John said:

“My campaign will highlight positive reasons to vote Conservative. A tougher approach to crime, more ‘localised’ planning decisions, cutting immigration, supporting business and jobs through tax cuts, treating pensioners with dignity and greater choice in education are some of our policies which I believe the country now desperately needs.”

John Baron MP supports greater awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms

MP backs Ovarian Cancer Action’s ‘Every Woman Should Remember’ online campaign

John Baron MP has today given his support to Ovarian Cancer Action’s ‘Every Woman Should Remember’ online campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer. It identifies the symptoms of ovarian cancer and encourages visitors to pass the pledge to remember the symptoms on to others via email or Facebook.

Ovarian cancer is the biggest gynaecological killer and the fifth most common cancer in women in the UK, affecting around 6,600 women every year. Awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer amongst women is low and survival from the disease is poor - with fewer than 40% of women surviving five years beyond diagnosis. Most women with ovarian cancer are only diagnosed when it is at an advanced stage and is difficult to treat. But if diagnosed at stage one, when the disease is contained in the ovary, women have up to 90% chance of survival.

John said:

“Any campaign that raises awareness of cancer symptoms is a great thing. This online campaign by Ovarian Cancer Action is the first of its kind and will hopefully encourage lots of people to pass on information and raise awareness.

“As Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, I know how significant it can be to catch cancer early, so I hope this campaign will encourage women to go to their GP when the first signs appear which will increase their chance of survival dramatically.”

Sunday, 28 March 2010

John Baron MP presses Minister over EU fines

MP accuses Government of wasting tax payers’ money

Yesterday in the House of Commons during Agriculture Questions, John Baron MP pressed the Government over its mishandling of late payments to farmers through the Rural Payments Agency and the subsequent fines it received from the EU.

John said:

“It is a scandal that the latest EU fines for late payments by the Rural Payments Agency now brings the total up to £90 million. Does the Minister agree this money would be better spent ensuring fair competition for our farmers, particularly when it comes to imports?”

The Minister responded by suggesting that the RPA was getting its act together and hopefully this would mean fewer EU fines.

John said afterwards:

“The EU Agriculture Commissioner has claimed the fines exist to stop Governments wasting money. The £90 million wasted in fines is a national disgrace, and could have been better used assisting our hard pressed farmers.”

John Baron MP wins support of Scottish & Southern Energy for cheapest tariff plans

MP praises company in cross-party EDM 1166

John Baron MP has today thanked Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) for their support in his long-running campaign on the provision of cheapest tariff information, and praised their plans to go above and beyond current Government requirements. He has tabled cross-party Early Day Motion (EDM) 1166 highlighting this breakthrough.

John has been campaigning to oblige energy companies to inform their customers on every energy bill how their current tariff compared to that company’s standard direct debit tariff, which is usually the energy company’s cheapest – barring limited offers for online users. The Government has recently compromised and proposed that companies will be obliged to publish this information on annual statements, but this can discriminate against active switchers who may never receive such a statement. However, SSE are going further than this by proposing to put this information on every bill once a customer has been with them for 12 months.

John said:

“Congratulations to SSE for breaking ranks with other energy companies, and printing its standard direct debit tariff on all bills to help its customers get the best deal. The Government’s suggestion that energy companies should only print such information on an annual statement discriminates against active switchers who may never get the statement.

“We must do everything we can to help the 4 million households who live in fuel poverty. 4,000 different tariffs from the energy companies does not help, which is why this move by SSE is so important.”

“The Government should now follow SSE’s lead and oblige all energy companies to do the same. It’s time for change.”

Thursday, 25 March 2010

John Baron MP: Army training was no match for Budget

MP presses Government over freezing of personal allowances

Today in Business Questions in the House of Commons, John Baron MP pressed the Leader of the House, the Rt. Hon. Harriet Harman MP, over the Budget’s impact on the lowest paid. This followed Quentin Letts’ observation about the impact of the Budget on John yesterday.

John asked:

“Government spin apart, does the Leader of the House accept that the freezing of personal allowances hits the lowest paid the hardest?”

She responded without answering the question.

John said afterwards:

“Quentin Letts is right to suggest I was locked in ‘lifeless paralysis’ during the Budget yesterday. Despite rigorous Army training to keep me alert under all conditions, the Budget proved too much.”

“Talking about very little for an hour without coming up with credible plans to deal with the debt or boost growth had shades of Nero about it.”

“The Chancellor even omitted to tell us about the single biggest tax increase in the Budget, which was the freezing of personal allowances. This will hit millions of people but especially the lowest paid – hardly a future fair for all.”

Monday, 22 March 2010

John Baron MP serves up a burger at McDonalds, Laindon

MP praises management and staff in this local success story

At the invitation of Gen Isikgun [Franchisee, McDonalds Restaurants Ltd], John Baron MP visited McDonalds, Laindon to meet the team and serve up some burgers.

John said:

“This is a great local success story, so congratulations to Gen and her team. They run five McDonalds across the area which employ 267 people, and do much to encourage apprenticeships and skill development.”

“They also give a lot back to the local community, such as being key drivers behind the Ronald McDonald House at Basildon Hospital which caters for parents of children undergoing treatment, for which they raised £5,000 from my annual Fun Walk.”

“McDonalds has always prided itself on its core values of good value, service and cleanliness, and the belief its people are its most valuable asset. But the business has changed over the last four years, with now a much greater emphasis on healthy eating.”

Sunday, 21 March 2010

John Baron MP questions Secretary of State for Defence over Afghanistan troop density levels

MP says Britain compares badly to US

Today in the House of Commons John Baron MP questioned Bob Ainsworth, the Secretary of State for Defence, over troop density levels in Afghanistan.

John said:

“Troops alone will not be able to provide the solution in Afghanistan. But when it comes to counter-insurgency operations, troop density levels are important. In Helmand Province, 10,000 British troops will be responsible for two thirds of the population compared to 20,000 US troops covering one third of the population. If we are to succeed, does the Secretary of State not think this balance is out of kilter?”

The Secretary of State said in response that this balance was being reviewed at present, that there had been some improvement because Districts have been handed over to Afghan forces, but hinted that more still perhaps had to be done.

John said afterwards:

“Although I warned against our initial involvement in Afghanistan, we must ensure our troops are properly supported which I doubt given the population they have to cover compared to the Americans. This problem is made more difficult by the shortage of helicopters, and casualties will increase as a result.”

John Baron MP votes for Equitable Life compensation

MP presses Government on clear timetable to remedy injustice

John Baron MP last night voted in support of a Conservative motion to push the Government over its handling of the Equitable Life issue. The motion was strong in its condemnation of Government delays:

“That this House notes that the Ombudsman published her report on Equitable Life in July 2008, that the Government did not make its response until January 2009, and that its rejection of some of her findings was successfully challenged in the High Court; believes that the delays caused by the Government since the publication of the Ombudsman's report have led to further and unnecessary hardship for Equitable Life's policyholders and have done further damage to the UK's savings culture; and calls on the Government to set a clear timetable for implementing the Ombudsman's recommendations and remedying the injustice suffered by policyholders.”

Speaking afterwards John said:

“Equitable Life policyholders have been rightly angered by the Government’s shameful indifference and delay. Over a year has passed since Sir John Chadwick was appointed to design a compensation scheme and still policyholders wait for justice.

“Unfortunately we were defeated by the Government on this occasion, but my colleagues and I will continue to push for a clear timetable on compensation. We must not and will not give up on justice for policyholders.”

John Baron MP welcomes Government U-turn on poodle tax

MP: Shambolic policy is evidence of a Government begging for scraps

John Baron MP has today welcomed the Government’s U-turn on recently-announced plans to force all families across the country to pay a compulsory levy to own a dog. This would have applied to all dogs – including poodles and chihuahuas.

The policy would have compelled all dog owners to pay for third party insurance to be allowed to own their own dog. Families would face “penalties” – fines or criminal sanctions – for breaching this requirement.

John said:

“I am delighted that the Government has seen sense and buried this terrible policy. It was supposed to tackle the problem of dangerous dogs, but in reality it would have had no impact beyond forcing millions of ordinary families to pay yet another tax. Those who own dogs for fighting or intimidation, are hardly going to comply with such a law.

“We need tougher laws against the growing problem of dangerous dogs, but it was a sledgehammer to crack a nut to impose a dog tax on a poodle. This is yet more evidence of a shambolic Government not thinking policies through, this time with just a week between announcement and U-turn. Gordon Brown is once again barking up the wrong tree.”

John Baron MP slams Government denials about rise in violent crime

MP highlights new research showing violent crime has risen by 44% under Labour

John Baron MP has highlighted new independent figures which show violent crime has risen by 44% since Labour came to power, despite Government claims that changes to the way crime is measured makes it difficult to compare statistics. A recent analysis by independent researchers at the House of Commons Library has revealed that violent crime rose from 618,417 offences in 1998 to 887,942 offences last year.

The Government changed the method of recording violent crime in 2002. Ministers have insisted that it was impossible to assess Labour’s record on violent crime because of this change. The new research shows for the first time what the violent crime figures would have been if the new counting method had been in place since 1998.

John said:

“These independent findings make a mockery of Government spin that violent crime has dropped. They can no longer hide behind their claim that changes in method prevent a coherent analysis of their record, and must now face the facts – we have deep-seated problems that have to be tackled.”

“This new analysis fits in with what many ordinary people have been feeling, that violent crime is getting worse and the Government is failing to deal with it.”

“We can’t go on like this. We need new policies that will really get to grips with violent crime, including getting more police onto the streets and giving them more power to tackle violent and antisocial behaviour.”

John Baron MP urges Prime Minister’s statement over defence spending

MP presses Rt. Hon. Harriet Harman MP in Commons over need for an apology

Today in the House of Commons during Business Questions, John Baron MP pressed the Rt. Hon. Harriet Harman MP, Leader of the House, over the Prime Minister’s admission yesterday that there had been real term cuts to defence spending during this Labour Government – despite previous denials to the contrary. The Prime Minister refused to apologise. John has been pressing the Government over equipment shortages for our troops in theatre for a number of years.

John said:

“Given the Prime Minister told the Chilcot Inquiry the military was given all it wanted and defence spending rose in real terms year on year, and that we now know this is not true and there were cuts and troops suffered as a result particularly from the lack of helicopters, will the Leader of the House now make time for the Prime Minister to come to this place to make a statement to apologise and explain his actions, for he owes it to our troops?”

Harriet Harman MP said the Prime Minister was not going to add anything more to what he said yesterday, and this was not well received by the House.

John added afterwards:

“This issue is important and will not go away. The majority of our casualties in Afghanistan have been through roadside bombs. Too many troops have been transported by vehicles when helicopters should have been used. When I served in Crossmaglen, Northern Ireland we almost always used helicopters.”

“The Prime Minister’s credibility over defence spending has gone up in smoke following his admission yesterday. The very least he can now do is come back to the House, account for his actions and apologise. It is the very least he can do for our troops and their families.”

Sunday, 14 March 2010

John Baron MP: Botched care plans could add £26 to council tax bills

MP warns Gordon Brown could make local taxpayers pay the price for personal care changes

John Baron MP today warned of a Government plan to leave Basildon Council with a massive bill to pay for new social care plans. Analysis has revealed that Gordon Brown’s unfunded plans for free personal care at home could put £26 a year on the average council tax bill, on top of other local pressures. This is due to an estimated £580 million black hole left by the government.

• Senior councillors in Essex have warned that Gordon Brown’s plans “are unclear, unfunded and are likely to have a significant impact on existing local services, including possible cuts and rises in council tax”.
• Town hall experts at the Local Government Association have added that “this is clearly a new burden” on councils, while Social Services directors from across the country have asserted that Gordon Brown has “significantly underestimated the true costs involved.”
• On top of the council tax hike, there is also the threat of an additional £20,000 “death tax” by Gordon Brown to pay for new National Care Service proposals.

John said:

“Labour’s plans to extend free personal care and to introduce a National Care Service are in chaos. Labour ministers in Whitehall are considering levying a compulsory death tax of up to £20,000 on every person in England, and now it looks like they’ll put another £26 a year on Basildon’s council tax. Gordon Brown needs to come clean about who will pay the price for his plans.”

“Everybody wants to give older people more support in their old age, especially the most vulnerable. That is why Conservatives will introduce a voluntary Home Protection Scheme to allow people – for a one off £8,000 payment – to make sure they never have to sell their home to pay for residential care.”

John Baron MP visits Sporting Village

MP congratulates Basildon Council and Morgan Ashurst on construction of this ‘community jewel’

John Baron MP has visited the construction site of the new Sporting Village at Gloucester Park, Basildon. He was accompanied by Cllr Kevin Blake [Cabinet Member for Leisure and the Arts] and Cllr Richard Moore, and during the visit he met with the Morgan Ashurst team led by Charles Norris and the architect. Afterwards he was taken on a tour of the site.

John said:

“This will be a fantastic sporting venue and a real community jewel. Amongst its many facilities, it will include one of the few 50m pools in the country which can be split into two 25m pools, a huge gymnastic arena, and state of the art five-a-side outdoor pitches.”

“The aim is that this will be a superb sporting venue for everyone - from elite athletes down to casual users. To ensure this, prices will be capped by the Council for all the major sporting activities.”

“Basildon Council and Morgan Ashurst are to be congratulated. The Sporting Village will open in April 2011 on time and on budget. It’s also a boost to the local economy with many local companies being used in its construction.”

John Baron MP presses Secretary of State for Defence over veterans’ mental health issues

MP stresses need for more help

Yesterday in a Defence debate in the House of Commons, John Baron MP questioned the Secretary of State for Defence as to whether enough was being done to help veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Last month the Centre for Suicide Prevention at Manchester University found that veterans are at an increased risk of suicide.

John said:

“Various studies have shown that veterans are at an increased risk of suicide. What is the Government doing to help the rising number of cases of PTSD resulting from recent operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan? The Royal British Legion certainly believes that not enough is being done to reach out to these veterans.”

The Secretary of State for Defence, the Rt Hon Bob Ainsworth MP, assured the House of Commons that the Government was doing enough.

John said afterwards:

“The Royal British Legion has found that at least 70% of GPs know nothing about the availability of military mental health programmes. More needs to be done by the Government to assist those veterans who need help.”

John Baron MP presses Minister over lack of bank lending

MP says to many small businesses in Essex are suffering

Today in the House of Commons during Business and Skills Questions, John Baron MP pressed the Government Minister responsible, Ian Lucas MP, as to why the Government was failing to ensure banks lent to small businesses across Essex.

John said:

“Despite Government assurances to the contrary, all the evidence on the ground in Essex shows too many small businesses are still not able to secure credit from their banks or have had their credit conditions tightened. Why is the Government incapable of putting this right, particularly as it is a major shareholder in some of the banks concerned.”

Ian Lucas MP responded by saying the Government was doing all it could.

John said afterwards:

“The Government is failing small businesses at the moment. A new Institute of Directors Survey shows than nearly 60% of businesses seeking bank finance during the last year were rejected by their bank. The Government needs to use its leverage as a major shareholder in many of these banks to get credit flowing again.”

John Baron MP: figures show action needed to tackle abuse and violence in Essex schools

MP concerned that 90 children expelled and 5360 suspended in local schools

John Baron MP today expressed concern as official Government figures have revealed that across Essex there were 90 expulsions for assaults and abuse and 5360 suspensions – equivalent to 29 exclusions for each school day, in the last recorded year, which is higher than any other county in Eastern England.

Since 1997, Labour Government rules have deliberately made it more difficult for schools to expel pupils. This undermines the authority of head teachers and means that bullies and disruptive children end up back at the same school as their victims. Labour Ministers have also hindered teachers on ‘human rights’ grounds from searching and confiscating items which might cause violence or disruption in schools.

Conservatives are pledging to give teachers new powers to tackle violence, to introduce home-school contracts to improve behaviour, and to reform the flawed exclusions process which undermines head teachers.

John said:

“Despite the hard work of our teachers, it is clear that we have a serious problem with discipline in our schools. Unless there is good discipline, pupils can’t learn and teachers can’t teach. The children who suffer most are the poorest and the country as a whole loses out when teachers’ authority is undermined.

“A Conservative Government will raise standards in schools, giving teachers in Essex the power to restore discipline. We will encourage responsibility and back those who do the right thing.”

John Baron MP attends Kidney Cancer reception

John Baron MP recently met with nurses, clinicians and patient representatives at an event in the House of Lords on 'Improving Outcomes for Kidney Cancer Patients'.

Shadow Health Minister Earl Howe hosted the event, and guests heard from Health Minister Ann Keen MP, Liberal Democrat Health spokesman Norman Lamb MP, Pat Hanlon from Kidney Cancer UK and Rose Woodward from the James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer.

John's work in helping ensure cancer patients receive high quality and equitable care was acknowledged by a number of the speakers, particularly in his role as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer.

Speaking afterwards, John said:

“Kidney cancer is a relatively rare cancer, with between 7000 and 8000 people diagnosed in the UK each year. There have been reports of increasing incidence and mortality across the world, including the UK, but public awareness of kidney cancer remains low. In order to improve outcomes for patients, it is important for the condition to be diagnosed early and for patients to have access to a full range of treatment options.

“As Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, I support efforts to raise awareness of kidney cancer and promote early diagnosis, and I will continue to campaign for equality and high standards in cancer care throughout the country.”

John Baron MP receives update on Basildon Hospital from Secretary of State

John Baron MP has received an update from Andy Burnham, Secretary of State for Health, on the progress being made at Basildon Hospital following the recent Care Quality Commission report last November, which resulted in the subsequent intervention by independent regulator Monitor. John has met and spoken with the management several times, questioned the Secretary of State in the House of Commons, and met with the then Monitor Boss, Dr Bill Moyes, to assess progress. He has just received a further letter from Andy Burnham MP referring to a report from the new Monitor boss Chris Mellor.

John said:

“The Secretary of State says Basildon Hospital has responded to the specific concerns raised by the CQC. The taskforce sent in by Monitor is continuing to supervise the changes required, but gives encouraging reports on progress in tackling hygiene problems and reducing mortality rates.”

“I am confident that the hospital will continue to work with the taskforce to ensure patient safety and quality of care, and I know that the staff there are working very hard. I will continue to monitor progress closely.”

“Despite some of the headlines, we must not forget that there is a lot of good work taking place at the Hospital.”