Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Sunday 28 March 2010

John Baron MP wins support of Scottish & Southern Energy for cheapest tariff plans

MP praises company in cross-party EDM 1166

John Baron MP has today thanked Scottish & Southern Energy (SSE) for their support in his long-running campaign on the provision of cheapest tariff information, and praised their plans to go above and beyond current Government requirements. He has tabled cross-party Early Day Motion (EDM) 1166 highlighting this breakthrough.

John has been campaigning to oblige energy companies to inform their customers on every energy bill how their current tariff compared to that company’s standard direct debit tariff, which is usually the energy company’s cheapest – barring limited offers for online users. The Government has recently compromised and proposed that companies will be obliged to publish this information on annual statements, but this can discriminate against active switchers who may never receive such a statement. However, SSE are going further than this by proposing to put this information on every bill once a customer has been with them for 12 months.

John said:

“Congratulations to SSE for breaking ranks with other energy companies, and printing its standard direct debit tariff on all bills to help its customers get the best deal. The Government’s suggestion that energy companies should only print such information on an annual statement discriminates against active switchers who may never get the statement.

“We must do everything we can to help the 4 million households who live in fuel poverty. 4,000 different tariffs from the energy companies does not help, which is why this move by SSE is so important.”

“The Government should now follow SSE’s lead and oblige all energy companies to do the same. It’s time for change.”

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