Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Sunday 25 April 2010

John Baron visits Craylands estate

Conservative candidate praises Swan Housing, Basildon Council and local residents on regeneration plan

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, this week visited the Craylands estate in Fryerns. Basildon Council are working with Swan Housing and the local community to ensure that the redevelopment of the estate changes the area for the better.

John said:

“Congratulations to Swan Housing and the Council for working together with the local community in regenerating this estate. Taking a bottom-up approach and listening to local residents has helped to ensure that the design of the properties has changed considerably for the better.

“This is a great example of what can come from involving local residents more in planning decisions, which is Conservative policy. We need to stop diktat from the centre, and make sure communities are consulted properly as with the Craylands estate.”

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