Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Sunday 28 March 2010

John Baron MP presses Minister over EU fines

MP accuses Government of wasting tax payers’ money

Yesterday in the House of Commons during Agriculture Questions, John Baron MP pressed the Government over its mishandling of late payments to farmers through the Rural Payments Agency and the subsequent fines it received from the EU.

John said:

“It is a scandal that the latest EU fines for late payments by the Rural Payments Agency now brings the total up to £90 million. Does the Minister agree this money would be better spent ensuring fair competition for our farmers, particularly when it comes to imports?”

The Minister responded by suggesting that the RPA was getting its act together and hopefully this would mean fewer EU fines.

John said afterwards:

“The EU Agriculture Commissioner has claimed the fines exist to stop Governments wasting money. The £90 million wasted in fines is a national disgrace, and could have been better used assisting our hard pressed farmers.”

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