Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Sunday 14 March 2010

John Baron MP attends Kidney Cancer reception

John Baron MP recently met with nurses, clinicians and patient representatives at an event in the House of Lords on 'Improving Outcomes for Kidney Cancer Patients'.

Shadow Health Minister Earl Howe hosted the event, and guests heard from Health Minister Ann Keen MP, Liberal Democrat Health spokesman Norman Lamb MP, Pat Hanlon from Kidney Cancer UK and Rose Woodward from the James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer.

John's work in helping ensure cancer patients receive high quality and equitable care was acknowledged by a number of the speakers, particularly in his role as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer.

Speaking afterwards, John said:

“Kidney cancer is a relatively rare cancer, with between 7000 and 8000 people diagnosed in the UK each year. There have been reports of increasing incidence and mortality across the world, including the UK, but public awareness of kidney cancer remains low. In order to improve outcomes for patients, it is important for the condition to be diagnosed early and for patients to have access to a full range of treatment options.

“As Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, I support efforts to raise awareness of kidney cancer and promote early diagnosis, and I will continue to campaign for equality and high standards in cancer care throughout the country.”

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