Sunday, 25 April 2010
John Baron visits Craylands estate
John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, this week visited the Craylands estate in Fryerns. Basildon Council are working with Swan Housing and the local community to ensure that the redevelopment of the estate changes the area for the better.
John said:
“Congratulations to Swan Housing and the Council for working together with the local community in regenerating this estate. Taking a bottom-up approach and listening to local residents has helped to ensure that the design of the properties has changed considerably for the better.
“This is a great example of what can come from involving local residents more in planning decisions, which is Conservative policy. We need to stop diktat from the centre, and make sure communities are consulted properly as with the Craylands estate.”
John Baron voices anger at ‘outside’ overruling of local planning decisions in Noak Bridge and Billericay
John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, has visited a site on Eastfield Road, Noak Bridge, where a planning decision made by Basildon District Council not to develop was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol due to the Government’s house-building targets.
This is similar to the situation with a site behind Barclays Bank in Billericay High Street which John and other Councillors have also visited – the Council said that the site had access too narrow for emergency vehicles and therefore decided it could not be developed, but were overruled by the Planning Inspectorate.
John said:
“These are further examples of local planning decisions being overturned by outsiders. Local people should have the final say on planning issues, as it is they who have to live with the consequences.
“A Conservative government would scrap Labour’s house-building targets and their unelected Regional Assemblies in order to ensure all planning decisions, including in-fill and greenbelt development, are taken by local Councils. Local people should decide, not bureaucrats elsewhere.”
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
John Baron meets with Basildon Networking Group at David Lloyd club
John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, today visited the David Lloyd Leisure club in Basildon, which hosts the Basildon Networking Group. These monthly meetings attract around 50 local business owners as part of the Federation of Small Business. John was shown around the leisure club and then spent time chatting with the business owners about their concerns and Conservative policies. John has also been visiting businesses across the constituency.
John said:
“Time and time again, businesses are saying there is too much tax and regulation. Small businesses are vitally important to our local community and economy, so we must do what we can to help them.
“This is why a Conservative government would cut small companies’ corporation tax to 20%, paid for by scrapping complex allowances. We will also make small businesses rate relief automatic and reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.
“We would also cut the burden of regulation because red tape stifles enterprise. Conservatives will introduce a new ‘Star Chamber’ committee which will reduce red tape by 5% each year.”
John Baron supports FSB’s call for greater recognition of importance of SMEs
John said:
“Small businesses are vital to our prosperity, so the FSB is right to campaign for cuts in taxes and red tape which would help entrepreneurs.”
“A Conservative Government would cut small companies’ corporation tax from 22p to 20p, paid for by removing complex allowances. We will also make small business rate relief automatic, and largely reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.”
“Meanwhile, we must cut the burden of regulation because red-tape stifles enterprise. The FSB is right to say small businesses waste 7 hours a week form-filling. Conservatives will ensure a powerful new ‘Star Chamber’ will produce a net 5% annual reduction in red tape.”
John Baron's Declaration of Interests
Name of Candidate: John Baron
Constituency: Basildon & Billericay
Other Paid Jobs:
1. Fees for stewardship of investment portfolios for Newton Investment Management Ltd., 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4LA.
If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.
2. Fees for articles in the Financial Times’ ‘Investors Chronicle’ magazine, Number One, Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL – all fees donated to charity.
If elected, I intend to continue with this employment.
The holding of positions of responsibility in some types of organisations:
1. Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (MCSI), 8 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1AE.
If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.
2. Patron of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, 13 Wetlands Lane, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6RA.
If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.
3. Patron of Age Concern (Basildon), George Hurd Centre, Audley Way, Basildon, Essex SS14 2FL.
If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.
Relevant Financial Interests, Reported Against the Following Categories:
Directorships (Current Directorships listed at Companies House): Not Applicable.
Clients: Not Applicable.
Land and Property:
1. Two residential properties in London, from which rental income is received.
If elected, I continue to hold these properties.
2. One residential property in Noak Bridge, Essex.
If elected, I intend to sell this property.
Shareholdings (greater than 15% of the share capital of the company or body or 15% or less of the issued share capital, but greater in value than £65,000): Not Applicable.
Tax Matters:
I support the next Conservative Government’s requirement that anyone who sits in either House will be required by law to be a full UK tax payer.
I confirm that, for the year 2008/9, I have not claimed to be, or been treated as not resident, not ordinarily resident, or non-domiciled in the UK for tax purposes.
Any Other Interests: Not Applicable.
Signed by John Baron
Dated: April 9, 2010.
The Committee on Standards in Public Life in its report on MP’s expenses and allowances published in November 2009, recommended that “all Candidates at parliamentary elections should publish, at nomination, a register of interests including the existence of other paid jobs and whether they intend to continue to hold them, if elected”.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
John Baron MP encourages Basildon District to get involved in 2012 Games
Having liaised with Sebastion Coe KBE [Chair, London 2012 Organising Committee], today John Baron MP called for local businesses, schools and community groups to get involved in the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic 2012 Games. The East of England has over 60 sporting facilities approved for use as part of the network of official training camps for athletes, and hundreds of schools are taking part in the official education programme, Get Set.
John said:
“The Games are a great thing for the country as a whole, and our region especially. It will be a chance to show how the UK can put on a fantastic event, and will hopefully inspire more young people to take up sport.
“There are lots of ways for people in Basildon and Billericay to get involved. I encourage local businesses to join the London 2012 Business Network, and local schools to join the Get Set education programme. Community groups can hold events and can apply for the Inspire mark for community projects inspired by the Games.
“This is a chance for everyone in the area to come together in support of a great event, and for many to benefit.”
John Baron MP presses Minister to encourage all energy suppliers to follow Scottish & Southern Energy’s policy on cheapest tariff information
During today’s Energy and Climate Change questions in the House of Commons, John Baron MP called for the Government to do more to get energy suppliers to publish cheapest tariff information on all energy bills, to help in the fight against fuel poverty.
The Government has recently compromised and proposed that companies will be obliged to publish this information on annual statements, but this can discriminate against active switchers who may never receive such a statement. However, Scottish and Southern Energy [SSE] is going further than this by proposing to put its standard direct debit tariff on every bill once a customer has been with them for 12 months – this tariff being their cheapest tariff in the vast majority of cases. This would allow customers to compare this tariff with their present one to ensure they were not paying more than they should. John has tabled EDM 1166 [see notes to editors] highlighting the issue.
John said:
“Given the customer confusion caused by over 4,000 different tariffs, will the Minister congratulate SSE on plans to publish its cheapest tariff information on all energy bills, not just on annual statements as proposed by the Government, and will he now encourage other suppliers to follow suit?”
The Minister replied that he had seen encouraging examples of energy companies making their bills clearer, and agreed that suppliers should be encouraged to follow SSE’s example.
Speaking afterwards, John said:
“Latest Government figures show there are around 4 million households in fuel poverty. Congratulations therefore to SSE for breaking ranks with other energy companies by printing its cheapest tariff on all bills so customers can check they are getting the best deal.”
“The Government’s requirement that such information be printed only on an annual statement discriminates against active switchers. The Government should take SSE’s lead and actively oblige all energy companies to follow suit.”
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
John Baron MP: stop Labour’s tax on jobs and working people from killing the recovery
John Baron MP today gave his backing to new Conservative plans to stop a new jobs tax on working families and local firms across Basildon District. Labour Ministers confirmed in the recent Budget that Gordon Brown’s Government will be increasing National Insurance on both workers and local businesses. Under Labour’s tax-raising plans, anyone earning over £20,000 a year will see their pay packet shrink. Labour will also increase the tax that local firms pay for hiring workers who earn £5,700 a year or more.
By contrast, a Conservative Government will stop the most damaging part of Labour’s tax on jobs by cutting government waste while protecting frontline services. The cost of Labour’s tax rise on employers will be reduced by more than half. And anyone earning between £7,100 and £45,400 – seven out of ten working people across the country – will be up to £150 a year better off than under Labour’s plans.
At least 48,600 working people across Basildon District will be better off as a result. A typical nurse, teacher, firefighter or police officer would save £150 a year. People on lower incomes will benefit the most as a proportion of their incomes. And an estimated 5,271 jobs across the East of England could be saved by making it less expensive for local firms to hire workers.
The Conservative plans have been backed by leading business figures who run firms such as Sainsbury’s, Mothercare and Marks & Spencer, and who employ over half a million people between them in the UK.
John said:
“For the last 13 years, working people across Basildon District have seen their taxes go up and up and their money wasted. Now Gordon Brown is planning a tax on jobs that will hit anyone earning over £20,000 a year and destroy over 5,000 jobs across the East of England by taxing local firms more.
“Labour will kill the recovery with their tax on jobs. Conservatives will cut Labour waste to stop it. More than 48,000 working people across Basildon District will be better off with the Conservatives. And we’ll cut Labour’s debt to stop higher interest rates and your mortgage going up. We’re all in this together, and we need new energy and fresh ideas to get our local area working for everyone.”
John Baron MP: time for a change of Government
Today John Baron MP welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement of a General Election on 6th May.
John said:
“My campaign will highlight positive reasons to vote Conservative. A tougher approach to crime, more ‘localised’ planning decisions, cutting immigration, supporting business and jobs through tax cuts, treating pensioners with dignity and greater choice in education are some of our policies which I believe the country now desperately needs.”
John Baron MP supports greater awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms
John Baron MP has today given his support to Ovarian Cancer Action’s ‘Every Woman Should Remember’ online campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer. It identifies the symptoms of ovarian cancer and encourages visitors to pass the pledge to remember the symptoms on to others via email or Facebook.
Ovarian cancer is the biggest gynaecological killer and the fifth most common cancer in women in the UK, affecting around 6,600 women every year. Awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer amongst women is low and survival from the disease is poor - with fewer than 40% of women surviving five years beyond diagnosis. Most women with ovarian cancer are only diagnosed when it is at an advanced stage and is difficult to treat. But if diagnosed at stage one, when the disease is contained in the ovary, women have up to 90% chance of survival.
John said:
“Any campaign that raises awareness of cancer symptoms is a great thing. This online campaign by Ovarian Cancer Action is the first of its kind and will hopefully encourage lots of people to pass on information and raise awareness.
“As Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, I know how significant it can be to catch cancer early, so I hope this campaign will encourage women to go to their GP when the first signs appear which will increase their chance of survival dramatically.”