Welcome to John Baron's Website...

John Baron has been the MP for Billericay since 2001, working hard both in Westminster and in the Constituency. He is very grateful for the support that he has received since then and he is committed to doing his best for local people in any way that he can.

Monday, 3 May 2010

John Baron accuses BNP of preaching intolerance and hate

Conservative candidate calls immigration hustings to expose BNP

Tonight at an immigration hustings organised by John Baron, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, John accused the BNP of preaching a message of intolerance and hate. He also listed a series of reasons why people should not vote BNP. The meeting went ahead despite the BNP bottling out of John’s challenge to discuss policies. Because the BNP refused to attend, the Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates were present. The meeting was held at the Craylands Community Hall, Norwich Walk, Basildon.

John said:

“The BNP preaches a message of intolerance and hate that conflicts with this country’s values. It is a divisive force. There is nothing British about the BNP, and I urge people not to vote for them.

“By refusing to turn up and discuss policies, the BNP has shown its true colours. It plays on people’s fears, but won’t openly discuss its policies in our communities.

“Its party constitution has talked of ‘reversing the tide of non-white immigration’ and of opposing ‘any form of racial integration’. They even denounced the Victoria Cross awarded to Private Johnson Beharry on the grounds that he was an immigrant.”

Other issues were discussed at the meeting, including the rise in violent crime, the shortage of university places, current problems for small businesses, the illegal traveller site at Dale Farm and the importance of Sure Start centres.

John Baron opens new community room at Sunnymede Junior School

Conservative candidate praises school and community for hard work

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, today officially opened the new community room at Sunnymede Junior School, in the presence of staff, parents and other local residents.

The room has been converted from an unused classroom into a space that the whole community can use, with the assistance of a Local Development Grant and an Awards 4 All grant. Much of the funding was obtained by Heather Stuart of the Billericay Community Trust, enabling the installing of disabled access and a disabled toilet. The remainder of the costs were met by the school.

John said:

“Congratulations to all involved – this is a great project showing what can be achieved by teamwork. Especial thanks to Heather Stuart for raising the bulk of the money, and to the school for raising the balance.

“I am impressed by the facilities on offer in this new community room, which has already been put to good use by various local groups. This room will help remind everyone that schools should be at the heart of our communities.”

Sunday, 25 April 2010

John Baron visits Craylands estate

Conservative candidate praises Swan Housing, Basildon Council and local residents on regeneration plan

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, this week visited the Craylands estate in Fryerns. Basildon Council are working with Swan Housing and the local community to ensure that the redevelopment of the estate changes the area for the better.

John said:

“Congratulations to Swan Housing and the Council for working together with the local community in regenerating this estate. Taking a bottom-up approach and listening to local residents has helped to ensure that the design of the properties has changed considerably for the better.

“This is a great example of what can come from involving local residents more in planning decisions, which is Conservative policy. We need to stop diktat from the centre, and make sure communities are consulted properly as with the Craylands estate.”

John Baron voices anger at ‘outside’ overruling of local planning decisions in Noak Bridge and Billericay

Conservative proposals would keep planning decisions local

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, has visited a site on Eastfield Road, Noak Bridge, where a planning decision made by Basildon District Council not to develop was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol due to the Government’s house-building targets.

This is similar to the situation with a site behind Barclays Bank in Billericay High Street which John and other Councillors have also visited – the Council said that the site had access too narrow for emergency vehicles and therefore decided it could not be developed, but were overruled by the Planning Inspectorate.

John said:

“These are further examples of local planning decisions being overturned by outsiders. Local people should have the final say on planning issues, as it is they who have to live with the consequences.

“A Conservative government would scrap Labour’s house-building targets and their unelected Regional Assemblies in order to ensure all planning decisions, including in-fill and greenbelt development, are taken by local Councils. Local people should decide, not bureaucrats elsewhere.”

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

John Baron meets with Basildon Networking Group at David Lloyd club

Conservative candidate discusses business policy over coffee

John Baron, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon & Billericay, today visited the David Lloyd Leisure club in Basildon, which hosts the Basildon Networking Group. These monthly meetings attract around 50 local business owners as part of the Federation of Small Business. John was shown around the leisure club and then spent time chatting with the business owners about their concerns and Conservative policies. John has also been visiting businesses across the constituency.

John said:

“Time and time again, businesses are saying there is too much tax and regulation. Small businesses are vitally important to our local community and economy, so we must do what we can to help them.

“This is why a Conservative government would cut small companies’ corporation tax to 20%, paid for by scrapping complex allowances. We will also make small businesses rate relief automatic and reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.

“We would also cut the burden of regulation because red tape stifles enterprise. Conservatives will introduce a new ‘Star Chamber’ committee which will reduce red tape by 5% each year.”

John Baron supports FSB’s call for greater recognition of importance of SMEs

Today John Baron [Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basildon and Billericay] attended a breakfast briefing hosted by Essex Federation of Small Business [FSB] at which the FSB’s manifesto for the forthcoming General Election was discussed. Amongst its objectives, the FSB has called for cuts in taxes and red tape.

John said:

“Small businesses are vital to our prosperity, so the FSB is right to campaign for cuts in taxes and red tape which would help entrepreneurs.”

“A Conservative Government would cut small companies’ corporation tax from 22p to 20p, paid for by removing complex allowances. We will also make small business rate relief automatic, and largely reverse Labour’s disastrous jobs tax.”

“Meanwhile, we must cut the burden of regulation because red-tape stifles enterprise. The FSB is right to say small businesses waste 7 hours a week form-filling. Conservatives will ensure a powerful new ‘Star Chamber’ will produce a net 5% annual reduction in red tape.”

John Baron's Declaration of Interests


Name of Candidate: John Baron

Constituency: Basildon & Billericay

Other Paid Jobs:

1. Fees for stewardship of investment portfolios for Newton Investment Management Ltd., 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4LA.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

2. Fees for articles in the Financial Times’ ‘Investors Chronicle’ magazine, Number One, Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL – all fees donated to charity.

If elected, I intend to continue with this employment.

The holding of positions of responsibility in some types of organisations:

1. Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (MCSI), 8 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1AE.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

2. Patron of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, 13 Wetlands Lane, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6RA.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

3. Patron of Age Concern (Basildon), George Hurd Centre, Audley Way, Basildon, Essex SS14 2FL.

If elected, I intend to continue to hold this position.

Relevant Financial Interests, Reported Against the Following Categories:

Directorships (Current Directorships listed at Companies House): Not Applicable.

Clients: Not Applicable.

Land and Property:

1. Two residential properties in London, from which rental income is received.

If elected, I continue to hold these properties.

2. One residential property in Noak Bridge, Essex.

If elected, I intend to sell this property.

Shareholdings (greater than 15% of the share capital of the company or body or 15% or less of the issued share capital, but greater in value than £65,000): Not Applicable.

Tax Matters:

I support the next Conservative Government’s requirement that anyone who sits in either House will be required by law to be a full UK tax payer.

I confirm that, for the year 2008/9, I have not claimed to be, or been treated as not resident, not ordinarily resident, or non-domiciled in the UK for tax purposes.

Any Other Interests: Not Applicable.

Signed by John Baron

Dated: April 9, 2010.

The Committee on Standards in Public Life in its report on MP’s expenses and allowances published in November 2009, recommended that “all Candidates at parliamentary elections should publish, at nomination, a register of interests including the existence of other paid jobs and whether they intend to continue to hold them, if elected”.

The above Declaration has been made in accordance with ‘Ministry of Justice Guidance on Declarations of Interests’ issued on March 22, 2010.